Android under siege from 100 000 strong malware horde

Google Android  

The amount of mobile malware targeting the Android community has boomed over the last four months, according to security firm Kaspersky.
Kaspersky researchers reported detecting 100,000 mobile malware variants during the second quarter of 2013, in its latest IT Threat Evolution report.
"Virtually all mobile samples that were discovered in the mobile realm were targeting Android in Q2 - just like in the first quarter of the year. One remarkable milestone was reached right at the end of the quarter - on 30 June the 100,000 modifications barrier (consisting of 629 malware families) was broken," read the report.
The report said 29,695 of the attacks were entirely new, marking a quickening in pace by hackers, who are believed to have created 22,750 new Android malware variants in the previous quarter. The paper said the figure is particularly troubling as each of the malware variants is being carried on a number of Trojan apps.
"Were not counting individual malicious apps, but malicious code samples. These code samples, however, are mostly used in multiple Trojanised apps, resulting in a significantly higher number of malicious apps waiting to be downloaded," read the report.
"The common procedure for cyber criminals is to download legitimate apps, adding malicious code and using them as a vehicle for distribution. The repackaged apps are then uploaded again, especially to third-party app stores. Popular apps are targeted to abuse their reputation, since users are actively searching for them and this therefore makes life easier for cybercriminals."
The researchers highlighted the discovery of a new Obad Trojan as being particularly troubling, confirming it has several new features.

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